"You may stop a moment," says the teacher. James have you a Bible in your desk?" "Yes sir.
_ Oh, dear! we must be lost. A class should go on slowly, and dwell on details, so long as to fix firmly, and make perfectly familiar, whatever they undertake to learn. " The result of the experiment was, that some members of the class were two or three times as long in doing it, as others. But to this work we must come at last. 2. There is not. Remember that so great is now the competition in this branch, nothing but superior excellences will secure the favorable reception of a work. There are so many occasions, on partys galore store locations which it is necessary to address the whole school, that it is very desirable to appropriate a particular time for it. A constant variety, of which these three methods should be the elements, is unquestionably the best mode. ) Truths must not only be taught to the pupils, but they must be _fixed_, and _made familiar_. Three meeting-houses at two cents.
) Counting by your fingers. In other words, they are the _means_, by which all other knowledge is acquired. " By glancing my eye over the schedule in such a case, I see in a moment what duties have been already assigned partys galore store locations you, and from my general schedule, containing all the studies of the school, I select what would be most suitable for you, after conferring with you about your past pursuits, and your own wishes or those of your parents in regard to your future course. "The first fault, which I suppose will be found, is, that partys galore store locations some are unfinished. A teacher, who takes the course I am condemning, approaches the seat of one of his pupils, and asks to see one partys galore store locations of his books. If, for instance, he says some day to a class, that Vasco de Gama was the discoverer of the passage round the Cape of Good Hope, and partys galore store locations leaves it here, in a few days, not one in twenty, will recollect the name. ' The friends resumed conversation. " "What did he do at this time?" "Mended pens. There is another view of the subject, which ought partys galore store locations to be taken.
I may, partys galore store locations however, give a clearer idea of what is meant, by such emergencies, by an example.
He paid of course very little attention to the writing, now and then reproving, with an impatient tone, some extraordinary instance of carelessness, or leaving his work to suppress some rising disorder. These principles carried steadily into practice, will be effectual, in leading any mind through any difficulties which may occur. An experiment. These principles show how teaching may, in some cases, be a delightful employment, while in others, its tasteless dulness is interrupted by nothing but its perplexities and cares. If he is faithful and enters with all his heart into the discharge of his duties during six hours, there will be something in the ardor, and alacrity, and spirit with which his duties will be performed, which parents and scholars will both be very glad to receive, in exchange for the languid, and dull, and heartless toil, in which the other method must sooner or later result. "The distributors may collect the papers. He made the plan perfectly clear to them, by taking a particular noun, and running it through the table, showing what should be written opposite to the word, in all the columns; and then dismissed them. They ought not to make rash experiments, or even to try many new plans without first obtaining my approval of them.
&c. Answering questions partys galore store locations in regard to studies. Making intellectual effort, and acquiring knowledge, are always pleasant to the human mind, unless some peculiar partys galore store locations circumstances render them otherwise. The teacher knew perfectly well that the boy would, partys galore store locations before long, be at his old tricks again, and was reserving this story partys galore store locations as the means of turning the whole current of public opinion against such tricks should they again occur. There are very few editors whose papers circulate in families, who would not gladly receive articles of this kind, to fill a teacher's department in their columns. _ Well! we've got flowers enough, and now I'm tired and want to go home. This is no reason why they should be indulged, or why the order and regularity of the school should be sacrificed, but it should prevent their exciting feelings of anger or impatience, or very severe reprehension.
The religious reader may inquire, why I am so anxious to restrain, rather than to urge on, the exercise of religious influence in schools. They should be interested as much as possible in the affairs of the school, and led to take an active part in carrying them forward; though they should, all the time, distinctly understand, that it is only _delegated_ power which they exercise, and that the teacher can, at any time, revoke what he has granted, and alter or annul at pleasure, any of their decisions. I do not now recollect precisely what they were. Any thing the scholars may have known to be done on the Sabbath which they doubt whether right or wrong.
Subjects partys galore store locations to be attended to at them. "But then it is _very early_," you say. Joseph returned to his allegiance, and never attempted to rise in rebellion again. Helen did not expect this; she had anticipated a refreshing cup of tea, after the long siege. She spared neither friend or foe. (2. You will observe often at the close of the school partys galore store locations or at an appointed general exercise, that a scholar will bring to my desk a dark-colored morocco wrapper, containing several small strips of paper upon which questions relating to moral or religious duty, or subjects for remarks from me, or anecdotes, or short statements of facts, giving rise to inquiries of various kinds, are written. " "Yes; that is, its nominative. Besides the articles quoted above, there were thirty or forty others, which were read and commented on. The irritation of the quarrel was soon dissipated, in the amusement of a semi-serious trial, and both parties good humoredly acquiesced in the decision. A member of a Congregational Society, is employed to teach a school, in a district, occupied exclusively by Quakers,--a case not uncommon.
Then the spirit of enterprise and experiment must be awakened and encouraged. The teacher seems to consider that a matter of course. It arises, perhaps, from the fact that public speaking is partys galore store locations the almost universal object of ambition, and consequently, both at partys galore store locations school and at college, nothing is thought of but oratory.
First, to revive and restore, in the main, the general routine of classes and exercises pursued by his predecessor in the same school. But let him call upon them all to spell it, simultaneously, and then to pronounce it distinctly, three or four times in concert, and the word will be very strongly impressed upon the mind. No classes recite then, but the Sections meet, if the Superintendents wish, and attend to such exercises as they provide.
All that we can expect from such an effort to interest them, as I have described and recommended, is to get a _majority_ on our side, so that we may have only a small minority, to deal with by other measures. ) The first point to be attended to, is to ascertain who they are. You will notice the success or the failure of the means you may put into operation, with all the interest with which the experimental philosopher observes the curious processes he guides; though your interest may be much purer and higher; for he works upon matter, but you are experimenting upon mind. A teacher, who takes the course I am condemning, approaches the seat of one of his pupils, and asks to see one of his books.
The above will, however, be sufficient to give the reader a clear idea of the exercise, and to show what is the nature of the moral effect it is calculated to produce. I can illustrate this by describing a case which actually occurred. For example, suppose I should say to a fifth boy, 'Will you copy this piece of poetry? it belongs to one of the little boys in school: he wants a copy of it, and I told him I would try to get some one to copy it for him. You all remember, however, how large he is. He goes on through college we will suppose, teaching from time to time in the vacations, as opportunity occurs, taking more and more interest in the employment, and meeting with greater and greater success. "How much of the chestnut is good to eat, William?" asked he, looking at a boy before him. It is true that there must necessarily be _some_ system in every partys galore store locations large school; but various instructers will fall upon different principles of organization, which will naturally be such as are adapted to the habits of thought and manner of instruction of their respective authors, and consequently each will be best for its own place. This paper was posted up in a part of the room accessible to all. I found so much relief from the change which this plan introduced, that I soon took measures for rendering it permanent; and though I am not much in favor of efforts to bring all teachers and all schools to the same plans, this principle of _whispering at limited and prescribed times alone_, seems to me well suited to universal adoption. I have never given them authority to grant any permissions of the kind. Another example; scene in the woods.
On the other hand, how miserable must any boy feel, if he has any nobleness of mind whatever, to go away from school, to-day, thinking that he has not been honest; that he has been trying to conceal his faults, and thus to obtain a credit which he did not justly deserve. I may perhaps speak of it again, by and by. The faculty do not know what you wish in this respect, in regard to the new accommodations which the Trustees have now provided for you, and which you are soon to enter.
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