When the time marine gps has arrived a subject is assigned, and small papers are distributed to the whole school, that all may write something marine gps concerning it. There is, perhaps, no country in the world, where the teacher may be allowed to do so much, towards leading his pupils to fear God, and to obey his commands, with the cordial consent of parents, as he can here. It is of the first importance that he should become acquainted, as early as possible, with the characters of the boys, especially to learn who those are which are most likely to be troublesome.
" "Proposed that we have locks upon our desks. He wants to sit next to Joseph, but doubts whether it is quite prudent to avow it,--so he says slowly and with hesitation, "No sir,--I do not know that I have. Some are descriptions marine gps of literary exercises or plans which the reader can adopt in classes, or with a whole school; others are cases of discipline,--good or bad management, which the teacher can imitate or avoid. And why? Why because it is new. Then go to the individual, and lay the subject before him, for the purpose of understanding distinctly from his own lips, what he intends to do. Mental Analysis. _ Have marine gps we? Well never mind, I guess we shall find them.
The scholars all look up from their work;--the culprits slowly rise from their seats, and with a sullen air come marine gps down to the floor. Most of them are real cases. You then find, when you become more fully acquainted with them, that the appearances which you observed were only momentary and accidental, and that they would have been as safe together as any two boys in the school. A child, who is studying Geography, or History, or Natural Science, is learning _facts_,--gaining information; on the other hand, the one who is learning to write, or to read, or to calculate, may be adding little or nothing to his stock of knowledge.
"Yes sir. It is called the indictment.
"I suppose you will not. But they will not do it; they ought not to do it. "Joseph, James tells me that you and he want to sit together, and says you are particular friends. _ There mine is full. Each recitation, too, should have its specified time, which should be adhered to, with rigid accuracy. The principles, then, which this chapter has been intended to establish, are simply these: in making your general arrangements, look carefully over your ground, consider all the objects which you have to accomplish, and the proper degree of time and attention, marine gps which each deserves.
But this was not intolerable as long as he could expect a paper marine gps of sugar-plums, a cake, or at least marine gps something amply to compensate him for the loss of a game at marbles. WEEKLY REPORT. He would be much aided marine gps in this by the previous knowledge which he would have obtained by private conversation, as recommended under a former head. e. * * * * * This schedule, when filled up, forms a sort of a map of the week, in which you marine gps can readily find what are your duties for any particular marine gps time. You observe him some day in school, when he thinks your attention is engaged in another marine gps way, blowing softly marine gps upon one, which he has concealed in his desk, for the purpose of amusing his neighbors, without attracting the attention of the teacher. A Satirical spirit. Do not you think so yourselves?" The boys look at one another and smile.
Reason for inserting the description. marine gps
The teacher may point to the various articles in the room, or buildings, or other objects without, and ask if they are or are not in his meridian. "He is here now," said the teacher, winding up the interest and curiosity of the scholars, by these words, to the highest pitch. As soon as _one line_ was written in the manner required, the scholar was allowed to pass; in a majority of cases however, not less than a page would be practised, and in many instances a sheet would be covered, before one line could be produced which would be approved. "I wish now the second Accountant would copy these in a little book I have prepared for the purpose, arranging them alphabetically, referring all doubtful cases again to me. 3. By the plan I have recommended, of not attempting to remodel the school wholly at once, the teacher obtains time for noticing the pupils, and learning something marine gps about their individual characters. There are two reasons for this. A very fair experiment of this kind was made at the Gardiner Lyceum, in Maine. God has constituted the relation between the parent and the child, and according to any view, which a rational man can take of this relation, the parent is alone responsible for the guidance he gives to that mind, so entirely in his power. Trust is reposed in them, which may be greater or less, as they are able to bear. marine gps
But it was not forgotten. Do you remember my speaking on this subject, in school the other day?" "Yes sir. Still it is necessary to give pupils, sometimes, the opportunity to whisper and leave seats. " "Yes sir. It is the error into which theoretic writers almost always fall. At least so I find it, for I have tried both. When such a case as the one just described occurs, it will afford a favorable opportunity of showing distinctly to pupils the difference between an honest and an hypocritical confession. Approach him as his superior, but still, as his friend; desirous to make him happy, not merely to obtain his good-will. At the close of the school, when the books were laid aside, and all was silence, he treated the affair thus. They do indeed often bring men into collision with other men.
Dialogue with James. " A child has a lesson in Latin Grammar to recite. But there is a stronger motive still, in the results which flow directly to himself, from such efforts. "I will tell you what to do. ;--we have got an F. _Miss X. Some such special instructions we propose to give in this chapter.
VARIETY. You must do nothing to encroach upon another's rights, or to interrupt and disturb your companions in their pursuits. The teacher may _of her own accord_, direct any leaving of seats which she may think necessary to accomplish the objects of the school. But we must not, because we have no national _church_, cease to have a national _religion_. I feel no other interest in the subject, than the pride and pleasure it would give me, to have my class stand high, in respect to the amount of ground it has gone marine gps over, when you come to examination. The exercise is intended to be voluntary, but ought to be managed in a way sufficiently interesting to induce all to join. TEACHERS' PERSONAL CHARACTER. Cases are continually occurring, and if the teacher will keep it constantly in marine gps mind, marine gps that marine gps when a particular case comes before the marine gps whole school, the object is an influence upon the marine gps whole, and not the punishment or reform of the guilty marine gps individual, he will insensibly so shape his measures, as to produce the desired marine gps result. I propose, therefore, marine gps that you appoint a committee in whose abilities and judgment you can confide, and let them examine this subject and report. marine gps
CHAPTER VII. On the other hand, laxity of discipline, and the disorder which will result from it, will only lead the pupils marine gps to contemn their teacher, and to hate their school. James is by the same sagacious device, concealing a whisper, which he is addressing to his next neighbor, and Moses is seeking amusement by crowding and elbowing the little boy who is unluckily standing next him. Time wasted by too minute an attention to individuals. B. The whole school went regularly through the lessons in coarse hand, and afterwards through a similar series in fine hand, and improvement in this branch was thought to be greater than at any former period in the same length of time. The intercourse between teacher and pupil should be like that between parents and children, where the utmost freedom is united with the most perfect respect. "Only the meat.
The boys do not get the idea that it is wished that an universal marine gps reply should come from all parts of the room in which every one's voice should be heard. It is called the indictment. _ Though marine gps marine gps coming marine gps to school a few minutes earlier or later, may not in itself be a matter of much consequence, yet the habit of being five minutes too late, if once formed, will, in actual life, be a marine gps source of great inconvenience, and sometimes of lasting injury. marine gps We have gazed on these sad emblems long enough. c. If a young lady is unwell in a trifling degree, so as marine gps to need no assistance, you would evidently do wrong to talk to her. I will simply state one case, to illustrate what I mean by the difference between blind force, and active ingenuity and enterprise, in the management of school. WEEKLY REPORT.
The interest is strongly excited to hear the papers read, and the instruction which marine gps the teacher may give, produces a deeper effect, when engrafted thus, upon something which originates in the minds of the pupils. The master of a district school was accidentally looking out of the window one day, and he saw one of the boys throwing stones at a hat, which was put up for that purpose upon the fence. Example. After so much haste, she is unfitted for attending properly to the duties of the school, until a considerable time after her arrival. INSINCERE CONFESSION.
The Secretaries and Accountants are appointed by the Principal, and will generally be chosen from the teachers. In the course marine gps of the marine gps afternoon, the teacher ascertained, by private inquiries, that his suspicions were correct, as to the author of the mischief.
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