But to return to the story: The teacher made some farther remarks, explaining the nature of the sin, not in the language of execration, and affected abhorrence, but calmly, temperately, and without any disposition to make the worst of the occurrence which had taken place. Others get on pieces of the wreck, and perhaps be cast on some foreign country, where perhaps he may be taken by the natives, and sold into slavery where he never more returns. For some time, the attention of the Instructers was occupied in arranging the course of study, and attending to the other concerns of the Institution, and in the infant state of the Lyceum, few cases of discipline occurred, and no regular system of government was necessary.
It is unnecessary to give any more particular examples, but rohai sandan video still it may not be amiss to suggest a few general principles, which ought to guide those who are addressing the young, on every subject, and especially on the subject rohai sandan video of religion. The boy and the wheelbarrow. The community are agreed in theory, that _personal attachment to the Supreme Being, is the duty of every human soul_; and every parent, with exceptions so few that they are not worth naming, wishes that his children should cherish that affection, and yield their hearts to its influence. But what are you making this formidable club for?" Joseph was completely at a loss what to say. The teacher, who was secretly watching him, observed the whole manoeuvre. There is perhaps rohai sandan video no way, by which teachers can, in a given time, do more to acquire a knowledge of their art, and an interest in it, than by visiting each others schools. Sometimes I think it is unnecessary, and deny you, when perhaps I was mistaken, and it was really necessary.
" _T. It will be observed too, that all the time this teacher was performing these experiments, and watching, with intense interest, the results, his pupils were going on undisturbed in their pursuits. You can rohai sandan video correct them far more easily and pleasantly in the mass, than in detail. He takes down the figures given by the majority, on his own slate, and reads them aloud. They "hoisted away," until I began to think that the poor rohai sandan video man would actually tumble out behind. _ "Did he hear _any_ recitation immediately after school began?" _Boys_;--faintly and with hesitation. But he looks at but few of these facts and regards but few of these relations at a time. But it is both unwise and unjust, to neglect the many trees in your nursery, which by ordinary attention, may be made to grow straight and tall, and to bear good fruit, that you may waste your labor upon a crooked stick, from which all your toil can secure very little beauty or fruitfulness. They might ascertain how much other classes have done, and how much is expedient for this class to attempt; and then, by estimating the number of recitations assigned to this study, they can easily determine what should be the length of the lessons.
It is almost universally the fashion to aim not at striking thoughts, simply and clearly expressed, but at splendid language, glowing imagery, and magnificent periods. You will soon become acquainted with the exercises and arrangements of the particular Section to which you will be assigned, and by taking an active interest in them, and endeavoring to co-operate with the Superintendent in all her measures, and to comply with rohai sandan video her wishes, you will very materially add to her happiness, and do your part towards elevating the character of the circle to which you will belong. For this purpose they either see that their pupils are going on successfully in classes in school, in these branches, or they may attend to them in the Section, provided that they never allow such instruction to interfere with their more appropriate and important duties. But do you suppose that it will be enough for you merely to resolve here, that you will reform?" "No sir," said the boys. Intellectual effort, in new and constantly varied modes, is in itself a pleasure, and this pleasure the teacher may deepen rohai sandan video and increase very easily, by a little dexterous management, designed to awaken curiosity, and concentrate attention. "Now there are a great many other motives of action which prevail among mankind, besides this right one. There is perhaps no way, by which a writer can more effectually explain his views on the subject of education, than by presenting a great variety of actual cases, whether real or imaginary, and describing particularly the course of treatment he would recommend in each. The community are agreed, that rohai sandan video _we have a revelation from heaven_.
Administering reproof and punishment for offences as they occur. 3. In future life, you will certainly be unsuccessful, if you fail, no matter for what reason, to discharge the duties which devolve upon you.
If, however, the teacher should, in any case, have reason to believe that such a practice would be contrary to the wishes of his employers, it would, according to views we have presented in another chapter, be wrong for him to attempt to introduce it. Now this, unless there is great caution, rohai sandan video will often be the case. Study card. " The scholars looked surprised. All will admit that it is highly important that every school should be simple in its plan,--as simple as its size rohai sandan video and general circumstances rohai sandan video will permit, and especially, that the public schools in every town and village of our country should never lose sight of what is, and must be, after all, their great design--_teaching the whole population to read, write, and calculate_. | | | LESSONS. The arrangement which seems to me as well calculated as any for the religious exercises of a school, is this: 1.
Then several nuts thus protected grow closely together inside this green prickly covering; which spreads over them and guards them from the larger animals and the boys. The great object, however, which the teacher would have in view, in such inquiries, should be the value of the information itself. And if an officer should be partial, or unfaithful, or negligent in her duty, any scholar may propose her impeachment. In the same manner, if a teacher should ask you individually, or give general notice to the members of class to come to her seat for private instruction, or to go to any part of the school-room for her, it would be right to do it.
It ought also to be considered that upon the parents will come the consequences of the good or bad education of their children, and not upon the teacher, and consequently it is right that they should direct. These peculiarities show themselves first, and in fact, most commonly, in the school-room; and the opinions thus formed, rohai sandan video very often relate to the studies and management of the school. "'Consumption,' the gentleman replied, 'and I suppose she will not live long. Read it loud, so that all the school can hear.
" The plan was adopted, and the report put an end to the difficulty. It rohai sandan video is a fact that all this general progress has a direct and immediate bearing upon his pursuits. _ (See plan. ' Should you call that reciting well?" Nothing is more common than for pupils to say, when they fail of reciting their lesson, that they could say it at their seats, but that they cannot now say it, before the class. Although it is thus evident that the important concerns of a literary institution cannot be safely committed into the hands of the students, very great benefits will result from calling upon them to act upon, and to decide questions relative to the school, within such rohai sandan video limits, and under such restrictions, as may appear best. It is very wrong for them to live thus without God, but they do not see,--or rather do not feel the guilt of it. Whenever strictness of discipline is unpopular, it is rendered so, simply by the ill-humored and ill-judged means, by which it is attempted to be introduced. ' "Do you see now, boys, what I mean to teach you by this rohai sandan video long supposition?" "Yes sir.
There rohai sandan video is another rohai sandan video view of the subject, which ought to be taken. In some cases, teachers are disposed to postpone this duty a day or two, rohai sandan video from timidity or other causes, hoping that after becoming acquainted a little with the school, and having completed their more important arrangements, they shall find it easier to begin. _ Most teachers forget the difference between the pupil's capacity and their own, and they pass rapidly forward, through a difficult train of thought, in their own ordinary gait, their unfortunate followers vainly trying to keep up with them. " This is the way to reach the intellect and the heart of the young. Distrusting himself, he seeks guidance in the example which others have set for rohai sandan video him, and very probably he imitates precisely, though it may be insensibly and involuntarily, rohai sandan video the manners and the plans of his own last teacher. For four years, and with a very large school, I have found this sufficient, in every case of discipline which has occurred, except in three or four instances, where something more was required. Perhaps he will consider it an extraordinary discovery. " _Teacher. I have already alluded to this subject in the preceding chapter; and probably the greater majority of actual teachers will admit the truth of the view there presented.
Recitation. What we aim at, is to bring forward and strengthen an internal principle, which will act, when both parent and teacher are away, and control where external circumstances are all unfavorable.
Answering questions in regard to studies. _Sarah. I do not mean, that each individual scholar must, every day, be examined; but simply that the teacher must, in some way or other, satisfy himself, by reasonable evidence, that the whole class are really prepared. (b. Looking at an object to be accomplished, or an evil to be remedied, then studying its nature and extent, and devising and executing some means for effecting the purpose desired, is, in all cases, a source of pleasure; rohai sandan video especially when, by the process, we bring to view or to operation, new powers, or powers heretofore hidden, whether they are our own powers, or those of objects upon which we act.
| Writing. He passes rohai sandan video down the class, glancing his eye at the work of each rohai sandan video one, to see that all is right, noticing particularly those slates, which, from the character of the boys, need a more rohai sandan video careful inspection.
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