" They seemed satisfied; the upward way press august and doubtless were. I will only mention one more. A teacher is confined, it is true, but not more than men of other professions and the upward way press august employments; not more than a merchant, and probably not as much. To illustrate clearly how this may be done, we may give the following dialogue.
The first great principle, is, however, simple and effectual. These two points seem to me to be fundamental, so far as assisting pupils through the difficulties which lie in their way, is concerned. These inquiries accustom the pupils to render honest and faithful accounts of themselves. _Mary. ) Bring, very fully and frequently, before your pupils the practical duties of religion in all their details, especially their duties at home; to their parents and to their brothers and sisters.
I have been told, that, notwithstanding the utmost efforts of the officers, fifteen minutes were sometimes consumed in effecting the object, when the order was given that the spectators should retire. Between the upward way press august the years the upward way press august of fifteen and twenty he made a vigorous effort to acquire such an education as would fit him for these duties. Some will defer their answers, until they can catch those of their comrades, for a guide. One day he came to school, in the afternoon, and found the room filled with smoke; the doors and windows were all closed, though, as soon as he came in, some of the boys opened the upward way press august them. Now what can the gardener do? There are, obviously, two courses. Boys love order and system, and acting in concert; and they will obey, with great alacrity, such commands as these, if they are good-humoredly, though decidedly expressed. There is no objection to your giving particular individuals special instruction, adapted to their wants and circumstances.
At the business quarter the upward way press august hour, I issued the following order. There is probably no employment whatever which affords so favorable an opportunity for personal improvement,--for steady intellectual and moral progress, as that of teaching. "I am very much prejudiced against spiders, and every insect in the known world, with scarcely an exception. 1. As soon as he was gone, the boy with the red cap, said to Roger, "I expected the master would have given you a good scolding for talking so. Now I wish to know, at the outset, whether you do or do not wish to help me. Many a teacher hardens and stupefies the moral sense of his pupils, the upward way press august by the harsh and rough exposures, to which he drags out the private feelings of the heart. Showing the connexion between the studies of school and the business of life. They expect from them what is not to be obtained, and then are disappointed and vexed at the failure. We should bring out those powers with which the Creator has endued the the upward way press august minds placed under our control. Leading forward one or two minds, from step to step, in an advanced study, is certainly far inferior, in real dignity and importance, to opening all the stores of written knowledge, to fifty or a hundred.
The teacher observed in one part of the room, a hand raised, indicating that the boy wished to speak to him. In using this discretion however, be sure to be on the safe side; in such cases never ask permission. The reflecting teacher will find a thousand cases, in the instruction of his classes, and in his general exercises, in the school, in which this principle will be of great utility. He ought, it will be generally supposed in this country, to be republican. the upward way press august II.
Was a building burnt by lightning in the neighborhood? Let those who saw the scene, describe it; their productions to be read by the teacher aloud; and let them see that clear descriptions the upward way press august please, and that good legible writing can be read fluently, and that correct spelling, and punctuation, and grammar, make the article go smoothly and pleasantly, and enable it to produce its full effect. Be cautious how you form an opinion even yourself on the question of the genuineness of their piety. When you open a school, you do not engage, either openly or tacitly, to make every pupil who may be sent to you, a learned or a virtuous man. Most of the scholars obey it of their own accord, implicitly and cordially. I consider this period as one the most important in the whole the upward way press august morning. Never bring forward cases of discipline, except on mature deliberation, and for a distinct and well-defined purpose. " As might have been expected the teacher failed. The teacher looked calmly at the mischief, and then asked how it happened.
They do one thing at a time, and that without useless solicitude and anxiety.
The evil was entirely removed, and had it not afforded me a convenient illustration here, perhaps I should never have thought of it again,--still it may not yet be _forgiven_. All I want is to have him a good boy. Before, they were so eager to return, that they crowded around the door so as to prevent others going out. A teacher may, by the force of mere authority, so control his pupils, as to preserve order in the school-room, and secure a tolerable progress in study, but the heart will not be in it. Some do not reply; some say, "Over the Rocky Mountains;" others, "Over us;" and others still, "The sun does not move at all. Such injuries will, of course, be done; for whatever may be the wish and general opinion of the whole, it is not to be expected that every individual, in so large a community, will be careful. And then besides, if the pupil perceives that the teacher is tender of his reputation, he will, by a feeling somewhere between imitation and sympathy, begin to feel a little tender of it too. Teaching him a lesson in history, is, on the other hand, only cutting down a tree or two for him. Danger of devoting too much attention to individual instances. This is peculiarly the case with experiments upon mind, or experiments for producing effects through the medium of voluntary acts of the human mind, so that the contriver must take into consideration the laws of mind in forming his plans. This is the understanding which ought always to exist between master and scholars.
In endeavoring to correct the faults of your pupils, do not, as many teachers do, seize only upon _those particular cases_ of transgression, which may happen to come under your notice. Let them present us with any suggestions they please. ) If nines occur, you sometimes add ten, and then take off one, for it is very easy to add ten. ) Never get out of the upward way press august patience with dulness. You see perhaps some indications of play between two boys upon the same seat, and hastily conclude that they are disorderly boys and must be separated. And here on account of the comparative smallness of the number under the parent's care, the evil is so much diminished that it is the upward way press august easily borne. 5. I describe accurately, for I describe from recollection. The two upper Sections are called Senior, the next two Middle, and the two younger Junior.
The following directions will help the teacher the upward way press august to carry these principles into effect. 2.
He can, under pretence of awakening and cherishing the spirit of piety in the hearts of his pupils, present the subject in such aspects and relations, as to arouse the sectarian or denominational feelings of some of his employers. " replied she, with astonishment. _Whispering and leaving seats. Here they remain as long as the superintendent retains them. I shall very probably not even notice that it is the first time I have received such a communication from you. Of course, if those founders forbid it altogether, they have a right to do so, and the upward way press august the teacher must submit. It should often be distinctly explained the upward way press august to them, that a republican government is one, where the power essentially resides in the community, and is exercised by a ruler, only so far as the community delegates it to him; whereas in the school, the government is based on the principle, that the power, primarily and essentially, resides in the teacher, the scholars exercising only such as he may delegate to them. On the other hand, the second class will go to their seats, with murmuring looks and words; and with a hearty dislike of the task you have assigned them.
This is a subject upon which young persons find much difficulty. MOUNT VERNON SCHOOL.
There is perhaps no way, by which teachers can, in a given time, do more to acquire a knowledge of their art, and an interest in it, than by visiting each others schools. While the teacher should take effectual measures for restraining all such irregularities, he should do it with the tone and manner which will show that he understands their true moral character, and deals with them, not as heinous sins which deserve severe punishment, but as serious inconveniences which he is compelled to repress. "Here then," said the master, "is one reason for having prickles around the chestnuts when they are small. On the other hand, by pulling down the tassel, the plate will be raised and drawn upwards against the board, so as to present its convex surface, with the words STUDY HOURS upon it, distinctly to the school. I have not examined them, and have not, in fact, seen the inside of more than one or two. After a dozen answers are written, the teacher may call, at random, for them; or he may repeat a question, and ask each pupil to read the answer he had written; or he may examine the slates. It is a majority. " With the plan the upward way press august as thus presented, the scholars were very much pleased.
I have already alluded to this subject in the preceding chapter; and probably the greater majority of actual teachers will admit the truth of the view there presented. "You must not be afraid," said the teacher; "you will undoubtedly not succeed in getting through, but you will not be to blame for the failure. One such boy, after patiently doing his work for many days, contrived to connect this stop-cock with some of the moving parts of the engine, by a wire, in such a manner, the upward way press august that the engine itself did the work which had been entrusted to him; and after seeing that the whole business would go regularly forward, he left the wire in charge, and went away to play.
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