When she was expressing, and apparently really _feeling_ sorrow for having wounded the feelings of others, those who knew her, would not venture to express any sympathy, for very likely, the next moment, _that_ would be turned into ridicule. But though sometimes vexed, and irritated by the conduct of a neighbor, a client, or a patient, they feel not half the bitterness of the solicitude and anxiety which come to the teacher through the criminality of his pupil. The following commands are given and obeyed, promptly. Now if a fault prevails in school, one teacher will scold and fret himself about it, day after day, until his scholars are tired both of school and of him: and yet he will do nothing effectual to remove it.
The teacher has, therefore, only to remove obstructions, and sources of pain, and the employment of his pupils will be, of itself, a pleasure. Though many will be inattentive, and many utterly unconcerned,--yet it is not possible to bring children, even in form, into the presence of God every day, and to utter in their hearing the petitions, which they ought to present, without bringing a powerful element of moral influence to bear upon their hearts. New plans to be introduced gradually. When the result is reported to me I will read it to the school. Study card. Unfortunately there are too many of the former class, and the first object, which, in this work, I shall attempt to accomplish, is to show my readers, especially population of the continents those who have been accustomed to look upon the business of teaching as a weary and heartless toil, how it happens, that it is, in any case, so pleasant. General arrangements of Government. ) "More. Such an address would, of itself, probably, be the means of putting in order, and keeping in order, at least one half; and following up the plan in the same manner, and in the same spirit, with which it was begun, would secure the rest.
Let the teacher mention this, expose, kindly, the motive which leads to it, and tell them it is as irregular to answer before the rest, as after them. At this signal the scholars population of the continents begin to prepare for a return to the ordinary duties of school, and when at the full expiration of the recess, the Study Card again goes up, silence, and attention, and order is immediately restored. For example, I will insert a few of these propositions, as these papers are called, describing the way in which they would be disposed of. He is writing carefully, simply because he wishes to do his duty and please God. We must look for these. It is a pure process of mathematical reasoning, made clear and easy by _simple analysis_. This is a point of fundamental importance; for, if what I should say on the subject of exercising ingenuity and contrivance in teaching, should be the means, in any case, of leading a teacher to break population of the continents in upon the regular duties of his school, and destroy the steady uniformity with which the great objects of such an institution should be pursued, my remarks had better never have been written. The question is asked a thousand times, "How shall I ever learn to keep my resolutions?" population of the continents Perhaps, the great cause of your failures is this. But by judicious and proper efforts to acquire it beforehand, he will enter upon population of the continents the discharge of his duties with great advantage. Even if the school generally understand who he is, the injury of public exposure is almost altogether avoided, for the population of the continents sense of disgrace does not come nearly so vividly home to the mind of a child, from hearing occasional allusions to his offence by individuals among his play-mates, as when he feels himself population of the continents at a particular time the object of universal attention and dishonor.
Such cases however never occur.
These general remarks produced, as he expected, but little effect. One teacher, for instance, has a spelling lesson to hear. It so happened, that there was a standing feud between the boys of his neighborhood, and those of another, situated a mile or two from it. In a word, utility, and practical effect, should be the only aim.
In her seat, she most commonly sits in some lazy posture;--either with her elbows upon her desk, her head leaning upon her hands, or with her seat tipped forwards or backwards. The third, to write sentences in two forms, one containing the adjective, and the other expressing the same idea by means of the adverb, arranging them in two columns, thus, He writes well. Which now do you think is the worst?" "Robbery. The scholars will thus see that the arrangements of the school are population of the continents based upon system, to which the teacher himself conforms, and not subjected to his own varying will. The employers always will, in a great many respects, place more confidence in the teacher and in his views, population of the continents than they will in their own. It was then stated to them, that the object in asking them to vote, was, in some cases, population of the continents to obtain an expression of their opinion or their wishes, in order to help _me_ decide; and only in those cases where it was expressly stated, did I mean to give the final decision to them.
Firmness in population of the continents measures united with mildness of manner. That the reader may understand to what extent I mean to be understood to recommend this, I will subjoin a form, such as in spirit I suppose such a prayer ought to be. _Jane. At the close of each half hour, a little bell was to be struck, and this card was to be taken down. " "Well, suppose then it was not his own hat, and he was throwing stones at it without the owner's consent, would it be plain in that case, whether he was doing right or wrong?" "Yes sir; wrong," was the universal reply. Roger took the burr and handed it to the master, who quietly put it into his pocket, and walked away without saying a word. Without ingenuity of contrivance like this,--turning one principle of human nature against another, and making it for the momentary interest population of the continents of men to act in a given way, no government could stand a year. The same principle of arranging the several steps of an art or a study into a series of lessons, population of the continents and requiring the pupil to pass regularly from one to the other, might easily be applied to other studies, and would afford a pleasant variety. All that I mean, is to insist upon the absolute necessity of _some_ plan, to remove this very common source of interruption and confusion, and I recommend this mode where a better is not known. At _d_, there is a small projection of the tin upwards, which touches the clapper of the bell suspended above, every time the plate passes up or down, and thus give notice of its motions. "I mean, you do not bring it into court, as a case of wrong.
It can be done in such a manner, that the pupil will see the propriety of it, and acquiesce pleasantly in it. A copy of this is inserted on page 196. It will show that the teacher is upon his guard; and there are very few, so hardened in deception, that they would not wish that they had been really sincere, rather than rest under such an imputation. It should often be distinctly explained to them, that a republican government is one, where the power essentially resides in the community, and is exercised by a ruler, only so far as the community delegates it to him; whereas in the school, the government is based on the principle, that the power, primarily and essentially, resides in the teacher, the scholars exercising only such as he may delegate to them. The remedy in such a case is a very simple one. Let piety control and regulate it. They had got him completely within their power, and were going to wait until he should be wearied with his confinement, and come out, when they were going to inflict upon him the punishment they thought he deserved.
The points which demand his attention come, one after another, in regular succession. The influence population of the continents of it was to awaken universal interest in the approaching examination of the slates. He will, on the other hand, enjoy the satisfaction of feeling that he confines himself to his proper sphere, and leave to others, the full possession of rights which properly pertain to them. This is a point of fundamental importance; for, if what I should say on the subject of exercising ingenuity and contrivance in teaching, should be the means, in any case, of leading a teacher to break in upon the regular duties of his school, and destroy the steady uniformity with which the great objects of such an institution should be pursued, my remarks had better never have been written. For some time, I sat silent but not uninterested, while the days of 'Auld Lang Syne' came up to the remembrance of the two friends. "Boys, do you know what the difference is between stealing and robbery?" "Yes sir. Now the point which I wish to bring before you is this; do you know in what order, I mean on what principles, the books are arranged?" "No sir;" is the universal reply.
Variety. She forms opinions in one case, without grounds, and it depends merely upon accident, whether she does not, in other cases. 5. It is well: but it is not proof of piety. "Now I do not say, that if any body had a strong antipathy to a spider, seeing one perform such a work as this would entirely remove it; but it would certainly soften it. "I will tell you. c. If the one who presides in it, sees it in its true light; studies the nature and tendency of the minds which he has to control; adapts his plans and his measures to the laws of human nature, and endeavors to accomplish his purposes for them, not by mere labor and force, but by ingenuity and enterprise; he will take pleasure in administering his little government.
Day after day the teacher went through population of the continents this regular routine. _ (See plan. One population of the continents day, when every thing had gone smoothly and pleasantly, the teacher told the boy, at the close of school, that he wanted to talk with him a little, and asked him to walk home with him. Day after day the teacher went through this regular routine. Now it is possible for a teacher to speak so as to be easily population of the continents heard by three hundred persons, and three hundred pupils can be easily so seated, as to see his illustrations or diagrams. " "There;--there is a very perfect line. In endeavoring to correct the faults of your pupils, do not, as many teachers do, seize only upon _those particular cases_ of transgression, which may happen to come under your notice.
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